Meet Team Ollie Member Nathalie

I’m Nathalie, 38 years old, wife and mom of 4 beautiful children. I was introduced to recreational running in the Summer of 2022 by a small women’s group in my community. At that time my goal was to boost my energy levels, gain strength and improve my mental health. I didn’t think that running was going to become a big part of my everyday life. Since then, I competed in several virtual and in person races. I fell in love with the challenge that it gives me mentally and physically.
I’ve been very fortunate to have served on many Committees and Associations of Canada throughout my life and career. I’m very honoured to have been recognized for my achievements and desire to help and make positive changes wherever life sends me. Being a part of Team Ollie as an ambassador for Legs for Literacy is something that I am excited to take part of and terrifying at the same time. I am ready to share my high and lows with you all hoping that it will encourage you to lace up your shoes and give it a try. Remember, If I can do it so can you!
Follow me and my journey on Instagram or Facebook!